Delivery time depends on the shipping distance and may vary. Delivery days range from 3 to 10 days excluding holidays, according to the postal service. Orders are processed Monday through Friday in the order in which they are received. Shipping expenses are charged to the recipient. Standard international shipping fees stand at €4,00. Delivery may take longer in areas that are not easily accessible. Following the successful placement of your order, you will receive a confirmation email with your order details, as well as an email with tracking information after your order has shipped.

Please refer to our “Where to find” section for a growing directory of retailers that offer HOMMER products. Please sign up for our newsletter in order to stay updated on future changes in our shipping policies.

Due to the nature of our products, no product can be exchanged or refunded at any time due to hygiene reasons.


Special offers and coupons apply to products that are not already at discount.


When you place an order with PayPal you will be redirected to the PayPal website. There you will then need to log in with your PayPal username and password. Before completing the order, check whether the total amount and billing details are correct. Even if you are not an existing PayPal customer, you can choose this payment method for today’s purchase and either set up a new account or pay as a guest. If your order consists of multiple deliveries, your PayPal account will be charged separately for each shipment. You can find out more regarding the online payment service of PayPal at:

Cash on delivery (only for greek delivery addresses)
You may choose to pay for your order to the courier on delivery, in cash. You may be asked to sign the respective documents of receipt of your products. In this case, shipping & payment fees stand at €5,00. For orders of €45,00 or more shipping & payment fees are free.

If you have an inquiry about your order, please email us at (Customer Service). We will always do our best to accommodate your request as efficiently as possible.